22 Resolutions in 2022
Posted On Jan 4, 2022 By Lisa Traugott
- Find your happy jeans. A lot of us get hung up on the weight on the scale. If this drives you nuts, stop weighing yourself and just determine which jeans make you feel happiest. Eat well and exercise so they feel comfy.
- Sleep 7 hours per night. A lot of people overlook how much getting a good night’s rest can do for their health. Start making a conscious effort to get at least 7 hours of sleep and you’ll be surprised how much it can change how you feel.
- Save money for your top priorities. Kids’ college? A house? Starting your own business? Check out financial books and blogs to calculate how to make your dreams reality.
- Travel. Covid restrictions play a part in this, obviously, but sometimes local trips are just as much fun. Visiting a state park, beach or mountain can help clear your head and break your rut.
- Do something that scares you. I’m a big believer in this. Every year I do something that scares me on my birthday. It’s led me to write my first book, run a marathon, do five minutes of stand-up comedy and enter a bodybuilding competition. You never know where this will lead.
- Increase your flexibility. Lack of stretching can cause muscle tightness and pain. Try taking a yoga or Pilates class. You can usually feel improvements within a month.
- Do more active things with your friends and family. Movies, shopping and eating out are great, but why not expand to more active things, like go to an indoor rock-climbing wall, going on a horse trail or doing a 5k together for a local charity? These things are great for making memories.
- Pick your favorite apps and delete the other accounts. Seriously, there’s like a billion different apps and you probably only really care about two or three. So, make your life easier and ditch the rest.
- Give one compliment a day. Lifting other’s spirits is a great way to lift yours and feel good about the positivity you are spreading to the world.
- Quit smoking.
- Figure out what you want out of your career. You’ve probably heard about the Great Resignation trend. Two years of global pandemic caused many people to reevaluate if their jobs truly make them happy. Do a self-check-in and see if you are content, or ready to make a change and prepare accordingly.
- Read a good book, or several. Books can open you up to new ideas, interesting characters, and help you relax.
- Eat vegetables with each meal. It’s always good to evaluate whether you are getting enough vegetables in your diet. Make a point to do this and set a daily goal of how many servings of vegetables you will eat with your meals.
- Say one thing you are grateful for before you eat dinner.
- Donate to a worthwhile cause once a month. If you have the funds, this can be a great way to make an impact in your community and help change other’s lives for the better.
- Take a break from negativity. If Instagram posts or the daily news make you feel bad, limit your exposure to them. Check in occasionally to stay informed but not obsessively.
- Clear the clutter. Messy homes and offices can make us feel overwhelmed and anxious. There are lots of organizational gurus, like Mari Kondo, who offer solutions. If that’s too intense you can also set a timer for five minutes and just straighten up what you can.
- Drink more water. It increases your energy and brain function. Aim for eight glasses of water per day.
- Cook new recipes. We all can fall into habits of eating the same few meals over and over. Try incorporating Meatless Mondays or international cuisine. You might like it.
- Volunteer. There are so many good causes that need a helping hand. Pick up trash, help with pet shelters, read to kids at an after-school program, visit nursing homes, help with a food drive. It feels good to give back.
- Put away the phone when you’re eating. Pay attention to your dinner companions and strengthen the connections you have with the ones close to you.
- Write your goals, check-in at least once before the end of the year. A study at Dominican University in California found that people are 42 percent more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down. Don’t stop there. Post your goals where you can see them and keep focused.
Make 2022 the best year of your life.