Customer Service

Customer Service

"To enrich our customers' lives by creating great experiences through friendly and understanding service."

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I check on the status of my order?
Please use the order status page. When your order ships you will receive an email with tracking information from our carrier. If your tracking information shows your items as delivered, but your shipment hasn't arrived, please contact us immediately at 800-605-3369. Our hours of operation are listed below in our "Contact Us" section.

What are my payment options?
When you order online you may pay with: Credit card (Visa, American Express, Discover Card, MasterCard, CareCredit), Financing, or PayPal™.

Where can I find a manual for my Bowflex product?
Assembly and owner's manuals for all products can be found here.

Will the Max Trainer give my upper body a good workout too?
Yes, the Bowflex Max Trainer will give you an excellent full body workout. By using the pivoting handlebars you can tone your arms and shoulders.

Are the SelectTech Dumbbells easy to use and adjust?
Yes, SelectTech Dumbbells are very easy to use. No assembly needed and they can be adjusted simply by turning the dials to the desired weight on each side. The mechanism does the rest.

How do I manage my JRNY account?
Manage your JRNY account at using the same email and password you use to sign into JRNY on your built-in console or JRNY App on your mobile device.

See More Questions

Contact Us

For questions regarding order cancellations, returns, and product troubleshooting, please call customer service at (800) 605-3369 (See Customer Care hours below).
For all other inquiries, choose from the following options.


(800) 618-8853

Monday-Friday: 7 a.m.–6 p.m. PST
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

Customer Care

(800) 605-3369

Monday-Friday: 6 a.m.–5 p.m. PST
Saturday & Sunday: Closed


Click Here

Monday–Friday: 8 a.m.–5 p.m. PST

Order Status

For an update on your order, please enter your order number here:
Customer Service One Voice

One-Voice Excellence

Our Customer Care Mission

Flexible & Convenient Access

Get your order status, assembly help or click-to-chat with us, all from our website.

One Call Resolution

To quickly get you back on your fitness journey.

Quick Response Time

We answer 80% of our inbound calls within 30 seconds!