Price Match Guarantee
Found a lower price? We'll match it.
How it Works
If you find a lower product price advertised on an authorized retailer's website, we'll match it. Just give us a call to request a price match.
Call to request a price match.
(800) 618-8853Monday–Friday: 7 a.m.–6 p.m. Pacific
Saturday & Sunday: Closed
Policy Details
- Item must be identical (i.e., same size, model, brand, color)
- Bowflex price match is only available on verified, in-stock products from an authorized retailer's website.
- Price match refers to product price only. Shipping discounts may be included upon review.
- Cannot be combined with other offers or promotions.
- Price match requests must be made over the phone.
- Marketplace prices from third party sellers.
- Auction prices or those requiring membership.
- Damaged, used, or refurbished items.
- Price errors.
- Items including, but not limited to, clearance, close-out, liquidation, special hour/flash/limited quantity or other special event offers.
- Bundle offers, rebates, coupons, mail-in offers, offers that include financing.
- Rent to own items.
- Free items.
If you think you are eligible based on the above, contact us at (800) 618-8853 before you place your order. We will verify item eligibility. Bowflex has the final decision for matching a price.
Authorized Retailers
- Amazon
- Best Buy
- Dick's Sporting Goods
- Costco
- Sam's Club
- Target
- Walmart
For more authorized retailers, contact us at (800) 618-8853.
Last updated: 09/1/2021