Have a Fun and Active Thanksgiving!

Posted On Nov 22, 2019 By Bowflex Insider Team

Two people dancing in a kitchen.

The day many of us have been looking forward to all year is almost here – Thanksgiving! We’ve been supplying you with great recipes to complete your holiday meal. Now, we brainstormed some fun and active ideas to enjoy quality time with your friends, pets, and family.

  • Dance while you cook! Look, cooking can get a little boring at times when you’re just staring at a timer. Why not try to make it a little more fun? Put on good music and get people moving!
  • Happy pupper after supper. Many of us have furry friends who can get excited on days with lots of visitors and an abundance of food that just might get dropped on the ground. Take your pup out for a brisk walk around the neighborhood, and feel free to bring your guests along -- everyone can benefit from a little fresh air!
  • Start a new tradition. Is your party full of football lovers? Challenge them to a friendly game of flag football before dinner preparation gets into full swing.
  • Sign up for a local turkey trot! Many towns host a Turkey Trot 5k on the morning of Thanksgiving. Get involved in your community and join other locals for a crisp morning walk or run.
  • Play games. Try a party game like charades that gets people up and moving. The funnier the better, because in our house the volume of laughter is the sign of a great holiday.

Whatever you choose to do, we hope you have a wonderful holiday with the people and furry friends you care about. Happy Thanksgiving!