
A woman working out with dumbbells.

What AMRAP Means and a Simple AMRAP Workout

Posted On Sep 21, 2021 By Amy Kiser Schemper

AMRAP workouts have been popping up all over the place: at our gyms and studios, our online apps and subscriptions. Perhaps you've heard of it and wondered, what is an AMRAP workout, and why is it so popular?... Read More
A woman exercising with dumbbells.

Starting an Exercise Routine at 50

Posted On Sep 7, 2021 By Lisa Traugott

I distinctly remember as a child thinking that nothing could be more ancient than turning 30. Flash forward to today and many of my friends are now beginning to... Read More
A woman working out on a beach.

Simple Beach Workout

Posted On Aug 19, 2021 By Lisa Traugott

In these uncertain times, the great outdoors offers a chance to mix up your typical workout plus have some fun in the sun. Beach workouts are effective because the sand is an unstable surface, meaning your core has to... Read More
A woman performing a single kettlebell swing.

Single Kettlebell Workout with 5 Exercises to Work Your Whole Body

Posted On Aug 13, 2021 By Lisa Traugott

A kettlebell looks like a flat bottom cannon ball with a handle. It typically ranges from 5-100 pounds. Originated in Russia, it regained popularity during the Covid quarantine when gyms closed and people were... Read More
A woman performing a Tabata HIIT workout.

Tabata HIIT Workout

Posted On Aug 3, 2021 By Amy Kiser Schemper

Tabata is a high intensity interval training (HIIT) style workout developed by Japanese physician Dr. Izumi Tabata. In a traditional Tabata workout, you cycle between 20 second work intervals, followed by 10... Read More