
Cycling group class

Top 5 Gym Mistakes

Posted On Jul 25, 2013 By Tom Holland

Having spent more than two decades working in every type of gym and even owning one myself for a few years, the number of people working out incorrectly never ceases to amaze me. Many people fail to see results because... Read More
A man's muscular back

3 Keys to Maximize the Results of Any Workout Program

Posted On Jul 16, 2013 By Tim Arndt, Resistance Training Specialist

There's nothing more motivating than seeing results. No matter what the result is. It could be losing five pounds, tightening your belt another notch or a simple compliment from someone about how good you're looking. The question I get asked... Read More
Workout Tracker

3 Essential Keys to a Successful Workout Program

Posted On Jul 10, 2013 By Tim Arndt, Resistance Training Specialist

Even the best workout program in the world can be rendered worthless if you never show up to do it. That shouldn't surprise you. Consistency is a key to making any workout program a successful one. So why are some... Read More
examples of lunges

The Lunge

Posted On Jul 9, 2013 By Chad Martin

The history of the lunge can be dated back to the eighteenth century, during the fencing era, or even further back to martial arts training in Asia. Many martial arts forms incorporate the lunge in their movements, especially power moves.... Read More
Woman Stretching

Make Small Changes for BIG Results

Posted On Jul 3, 2013 By Tim Arndt, Resistance Training Specialist

You've heard the saying: The only way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time. Well, the same goes for getting in shape. Imagine trying to swallow an elephant whole. It's kind of a scary thought really.  Same goes... Read More