
Woman doing a standing reverse curl

Full-Body Workout with Cardio and Strength Combined

Posted On Sep 27, 2022 By Lisa Traugott

This full body workout is designed to combine cardio with strength training so you have an overall toned physique. The treadmill cardio cycles through different speeds and inclines to challenge your heart health and the home gym cable exercises target... Read More
smiling woman with a dumbbell

Full-Body Ladder Workout with Dumbbells

Posted On Sep 15, 2022 By Amy Kiser Schemper

Ladder workouts are trending recently, popping up online and in gyms, but what exactly is a ladder workout? How is it beneficial? Ladder workouts are workouts where you perform... Read More
mature woman doing a kettlebell workout in a group class

Fitness in Your 50s, 60s, and Beyond

Posted On Sep 13, 2022 By Lisa Traugott

I remember, as a kid, thinking that someone 50 years old was really old, but now that it's just around the corner it feels like I'm still in the prime of my life. A few years ago, Shakira and J. Lo did the halftime show at the Super Bowl. I don't remember who won the game, but I remember how strong and fit they... Read More
smiling woman with a dumbbell

Dumbbell Workout to Increase Strength in Your Shoulders

Posted On Aug 18, 2022 By Amy Kiser Schemper

During almost any upper-body exercise, chances are your shoulders are getting used. Whether your goal is strength, size, or just better mobility, training our shoulders is pretty important.  Shoulders are... Read More
Woman doing a standing reverse curl

Leg Workout with Your Kids

Posted On Aug 9, 2022 By Lisa Traugott

August celebrates National Exercise with Your Kids week. This leg workout is designed to be fun and effective while providing plenty of physical health benefits. It also gives you the opportunity to connect with your kids, improve... Read More