
CoreBody Reformer Workout By Jennifer Galardi For When You Are On The Go

Workout on the Go: Core and More with the CoreBody Reformer!

Posted On Aug 19, 2013 By Jennifer Galardi

The end of summer is no time to slack on your workout routines. I've put together two mini routines that you can take indoors or out to maintain your physique – and your confidence – as you make the most... Read More
Chad Martin on advantages and disadvanted of forced repetitions weight lifting

Forced Repetitions

Posted On Aug 16, 2013 By Chad Martin

For many years, I have lifted solo because I've always found it difficult to find a good lifting partner with the right work ethic, punctuality and schedule. But lifting by yourself comes with many challenges, especially when you try to... Read More
Chad Martin explains how eccentric training is great for bodybuilding

Eccentric Training

Posted On Aug 9, 2013 By Chad Martin

Most lifters don't think about the actual names of the techniques they are performing; they just want get to the gym, pump some weights, feel good and get out. We tend to use simple terms like push, pull, curl, etc.... Read More
Tom Holland on how to lose weight with the best cardio exercises

Four Great Cardio Workouts

Posted On Aug 7, 2013 By Tom Holland

When it comes to cardiovascular exercise, many people simply turn on their workout machine or walk out the front door. There is no real structure or specific purpose to the workout other than getting in the exercise. While this type... Read More
Exercise tips for children and toddlers

The Low-Down on Children and Exercise

Posted On Aug 2, 2013 By Bowflex Insider Team

The discussion around exercise for adults is an obvious one, but what about children or even infants? When should they start physical activity, and how can they benefit from it? We turned to Joel Harper, fitness expert and personal trainer... Read More