
Rest is important for muscle recovery

Rest is as Important as Exercise

Posted On Nov 19, 2013 By Tim Arndt, Resistance Training Specialist

"Wow. You're working out way too much!" That was the reaction I had recently when a new client was telling me about his exercise routine. I had asked him to tell me about his weekly routine so I could get... Read More
Woman in plank

Exercise Fundamentals

Posted On Nov 7, 2013 By Tim Arndt, Resistance Training Specialist

My daughter was afraid to go to basketball practice, because she didn't know how to play. She was intimidated when she saw that all the other kids were able to dribble and shoot. However, the coach had them each start... Read More

Only 20 Minutes to Work Out? Then H.I.I.T. It!

Posted On Oct 28, 2013 By Tom Holland

Let's be perfectly honest. When it comes to exercise, people want the greatest results in the shortest amount of time. When it comes to cardiovascular workouts, if you're one of those people who can't stand plodding away on a treadmill... Read More


Posted On Oct 18, 2013 By Chad Martin

There are many myths and misconceptions about stretching. Most weekend warriors don't realize the benefits of stretching or the role it plays in being more than just a warm-up activity. Think of your muscles like rubber bands. When the rubber... Read More
Injury Prevention

"Prehab": Three Exercises That Will Keep You Pain-Free

Posted On Oct 17, 2013 By Tom Holland

Far too many people experience pain throughout their lifetime, suffering injuries that can lead to weeks and weeks of rehabilitation with a physical therapist. For example, experts say that at least 80 percent of people will experience back pain at... Read More