Working Mom Finds Serenity (and Her Waistline) in Regular Workouts

Posted On Aug 11, 2014 By Bowflex Insider Team

How One Mom Changed Her Life With Bowflex Max Trainer Workouts

By Guest Author Deena Nenad

I am like a kid in a candy closet. This one fits me again! Oh wow, I can fit into this too! I have lost 22 pounds, and I am trying on clothes that haven't fit me in years. Not only did this mom of three find her stomach, I found my sanity.

Just 10 weeks prior, I was a mess. As a real estate agent, my sporadic schedule and eating on-the-fly soon caught up with me. In real estate, as in mothering, there are no days off. It was easy to put myself last. Craving alone time, I took to the couch late at night with my two buddies — Netflix and junk food.

Pretty soon, I was on heart medication, had borderline type 2 diabetes and was unusually sluggish. I needed bigger clothes. I made excuses why I couldn't exercise.

One night I realized I needed the one thing I demanded of my children and in my business: discipline.

I scheduled four workouts per week on my calendar. And just like client appointments and trips to the orthodontist, I could not break them. I planned healthy meals and cut my portions in half.

Today, I haven't been to the doctor in months and am off all medications. I even changed jobs, into new home sales, so I would have a more disciplined schedule.

My new attitude has filtered into all facets of my life and a stronger, more serene woman has emerged.

The results all came with the help of the Bowflex Max Trainer. Using the machine, I saw my weight whittle down, and it's the most amazing thing. I saw more core muscles get really strong. People started commenting on my arms all of the time. While I definitely slimmed down, it really improved my body overall. It was doing the intervals that really made the difference. Beforehand, I was participating in interval training program online, but it didn't do it for me the way MAX did. The way that MAX positions your body is what makes the difference. I felt like the calories were burning all day long.