
5 Ways to Increase Your Hope

5 Ways to Increase Your Hope

Posted On Feb 3, 2015 By Joel Harper

I believe hope is a very soothing feeling, and a sensation that can sadly get lost as we get older. Even if you haven't gotten jaded by life, you can never have enough hope. Take these 5 active steps to... Read More
Don't Dry Out in the Winter

Don't Dry Out in the Winter

Posted On Jan 26, 2015 By Rachel Weingarten

It happens every year: You're going about your ordinary day when you glance in the mirror and notice that your face looks like it suddenly has the texture (and color) of a potato chip… and that's on a good day!... Read More
4 Simple Questions

4 Questions Before Starting Your Workout Resolution

Posted On Jan 5, 2015 By Joe Vennare

What does healthy look like? Or how about being fit? That's easy! Anyone who is really serious about being healthy has to run a marathon or an extreme race, or do intense workouts or yoga. Oh, and don't forget about... Read More
Walking or Running: The Great Debate

Walking or Running: The Great Debate

Posted On Dec 31, 2014 By Joe Vennare

When it comes to cardio, which form is the best? Should running be the goal, or is a brisk walk enough to bring results? Well, it depends on which type of results you're after. But even if you were to... Read More
15 Easy Ways to Upgrade Your Daily Routine

15 Simple Ways to Get More Out of Every Day

Posted On Oct 20, 2014 By Joe Vennare

Have you ever felt like every day is the same? Slam the snooze button too many times. Skip breakfast. Work all day. Get home late. Eat anything that's within reach, while watching too much television. Stay up too late. Sleep... Read More