
Jennifer Galardi workout on the go resistance band exercises

Workouts On The Go: The Resistance Band!

Posted On May 31, 2018 By Jennifer Galardi

The end of summer is no time to slack on your workout routines. I've put together two mini routines you can take indoors or out to maintain your physique - and your confidence - as you make the most of... Read More
What Is A Plyometric Exercise? - Fit Tip Thursday with Tom Holland, Bowflex Fitness Advisor

What Is A Plyometric Exercise?

Posted On May 17, 2018 By Tom Holland

There are numerous terms involved with exercise that cause confusion, such as interval training, super-setting, tempo training, forced reps and many more. Sometimes you know exactly what they are, other times you think you have some idea but... Read More
Tom's 1 Minute Pro Tips - How Long Will It Take Before I Start Seeing Results?

Tom's 1 Minute Pro Tips - How Long Will It Take Before I Start Seeing Results?

Posted On May 10, 2018 By Tom Holland

What is one of the biggest challenges with getting in shape? Achieving results. Far too many diet and exercise programs promise huge changes in ridiculously short amounts of time, which is unrealistic and leaves you feeling discouraged when you fail to accomplish the impossible.... Read More
Fit Tip Thursday: How to do a Perfect Biceps Curl

How to do a Perfect Biceps Curl

Posted On May 3, 2018 By Tom Holland

Who doesn't want a pair of great-looking arms? As the weather gets warmer and sleeves get shorter, we'd all like our arms to look their best. Sun's out, "guns" out, right? There are three basic muscle groups to consider when... Read More
Bowflex 30-20-10 HIIT Workout

Bowflex 30-20-10 HIIT Workout

Posted On Apr 26, 2018 By Bowflex Insider Team

HIIT, or high intensity interval training, alternates between high intensity bursts of effort with periods of less intensity or rest. HIIT workouts are incredibly efficient due to their shorter time lengths, making them easier... Read More