
Fit Tip with Amy Kiser Schemper, Bowflex Contributor. Love your love handles.

Fit Tip: Love Your Love Handles

Posted On Aug 1, 2019 By Amy Kiser Schemper

Love handles. Muffin top. Side Abs. Or the technical term: internal and external obliques. Whatever you want to call them, our love handles (I have to admit, I kinda like that positive!) are a main area we try to target... Read More

Fit Tip: The 12 Days of Christmas Workout

Posted On Dec 17, 2018 By Amy Kiser Schemper

The holidays are here, and with that comes family, travel, good food and good fun. Often that also means letting our health and fitness goals go by the wayside. Don’t get me wrong; there is absolutely nothing wrong with skipping.... Read More
3 Pumpkins and a kettle bell. The Great Pumpkin Workout

The Great Pumpkin Workout

Posted On Nov 6, 2018 By Bowflex Insider Team

In a season where you can find pumpkin in just about everything, why not add a little pumpkin into your workouts as well? Check out these two pumpkin workout videos by our Bowflex Ambassadors, Spencer Mahoney and Anna "MomStrong" Arsenault,... Read More
Halloween Workout : Part II

Halloween Workout : Part II

Posted On Oct 19, 2018 By Tom Holland

HaLurker Lateral Lunges. Spider-Man Push-Ups. Frankenstein Walk. Pirate Planks and, yes, Boo-urpees. Remember these? They were all exercises from a previous Bowflex Halloween-themed workout, and now it’s time for yet another.... Read More
Two people playing tag indoors.. Why lateral training matters part 2.

Why Lateral Training Matters - Part II

Posted On Sep 6, 2018 By Tom Holland

In a previous post on lateral training, “Why Lateral Training Matters,” I discussed the importance of adding this specific... Read More