
Tom's 1 Minute Pro Tips - Should I Take a Rest Day?

Tom's 1 Minute Pro Tips - Should I Take a Rest Day?

Posted On Apr 19, 2018 By Tom Holland

When it comes to exercise the vast majority of people do one of two things: Too little, or too much. Too little often means being inconsistent and exercising sporadically. People who do... Read More
Dumbbells & Bodyweight - Dynamic Push Workout

Dumbbells & Bodyweight - Dynamic Push Workout

Posted On Apr 12, 2018 By Bowflex Insider Team

If you're looking to add some flavor to your current strength routine, this Dynamic Push Workout will certainly do the trick. What exactly are dynamic movements? Compared to static movements, dynamic movements are designed to work your muscles... Read More
Dumbbells and Bodyweight - Dynamic Pull Workout

Dumbbells and Bodyweight - Dynamic Pull Workout

Posted On Apr 5, 2018 By Bowflex Insider Team

Looking to improve your current strength routine? Give it some flavor with our Dynamic Pull Workout. Dynamic movements work your muscles in an entirely different way compared to static... Read More
Fit Tip Thursday: Bowflex Circular Core Workout

Bowflex Circular Core Workout

Posted On Mar 29, 2018 By Bowflex Insider Team

One of the foundations for a healthy, fit body is establishing core muscle strength. But what exactly is core strength? Is it six-pack abs? The answer – yes and no. Technically, the abdominal muscles are only one segment of what... Read More
What Is the Best Supplement For Weight Loss?

What Is the Best Supplement For Weight Loss?

Posted On Mar 22, 2018 By Tom Holland

Since the beginning of time it seems, people have been searching for the "magic pill" for losing weight. Weight-loss supplements are a billion-dollar industry with no signs of slowing down. We are constantly bombarded with slick advertisements for yet another... Read More