
Fit Tip Thursday: Four Minute HIIT Workout with Bowflex Max Trainer

Four Minute HIIT Workout with Bowflex Max Trainer

Posted On Feb 8, 2018 By Bowflex Insider Team

High intensity interval training is all the rage. And the reason that it’s all the rage is because it gets results in less time. If you're looking for an alternate high intensity interval training (HIIT) workout to perform with your... Read More
Fit Tip Thursday: All the Single Ladies Workout

All the Single Ladies Workout

Posted On Feb 1, 2018 By Bowflex Insider Team

We at Bowflex like to treat the month of February as a heart-healthy month of empowerment. Valentine's Day can be hit or miss – but no matter which side of the debate you fall on, there is no denying that personal achievement can be one of the greatest paths to feeling amazing about yourself. Jumpstart your day with this heart-pumping, cardiovascular HIIT workout.... Read More
Fit Tip Thursday: The One Minute Desk Stretch Routine

The One Minute Desk Stretch Routine

Posted On Jan 25, 2018 By Tom Holland

Flexibility, one of the five components of fitness, is oftentimes overlooked at the expense of the other four: cardiovascular endurance, muscular endurance, muscular strength and body composition. It is not any less important; flexibility is essential to our overall health... Read More
Fit Tip Thursday: Super Slow Reps - Why Are They Important?

Fit Tip Thursday: Super Slow Reps – Why Are They Important?

Posted On Jan 18, 2018 By Tom Holland

When it comes to strength training, most people are making a variety of mistakes. The top three? Poor form Incorrect weight selection Using momentum All of these mistakes lead to both decreased results as well as an increased chance of... Read More
How Do I Lose My Belly Fat?

How Do I Lose My Belly Fat?

Posted On Jan 15, 2018 By Tom Holland

Let me cut right to the chase and tell you what won’t give you flat abs – abdominal exercises alone. There is simply no "miracle" abdominal exercise or contraption that will remove the excess fat from your stomach, no matter... Read More