
Fit Tip Thursday: How to do a Perfect Biceps Curl

How to do a Perfect Biceps Curl

Posted On May 3, 2018 By Tom Holland

Who doesn't want a pair of great-looking arms? As the weather gets warmer and sleeves get shorter, we'd all like our arms to look their best. Sun's out, "guns" out, right? There are three basic muscle groups to consider when... Read More
Dumbbells & Bodyweight - Dynamic Push Workout

Dumbbells & Bodyweight - Dynamic Push Workout

Posted On Apr 12, 2018 By Bowflex Insider Team

If you're looking to add some flavor to your current strength routine, this Dynamic Push Workout will certainly do the trick. What exactly are dynamic movements? Compared to static movements, dynamic movements are designed to work your muscles... Read More
Dumbbells and Bodyweight - Dynamic Pull Workout

Dumbbells and Bodyweight - Dynamic Pull Workout

Posted On Apr 5, 2018 By Bowflex Insider Team

Looking to improve your current strength routine? Give it some flavor with our Dynamic Pull Workout. Dynamic movements work your muscles in an entirely different way compared to static... Read More
How to Combine Cardio and Strength with Dumbbells - Part 2

How to Combine Cardio and Strength with Dumbbells – Part 2

Posted On Mar 15, 2018 By Bowflex Insider Team

Cardio and strength don't have to be mutually exclusive. In Part 1 of our two-part video series, How to Combine Cardio and Strength with Dumbbells, Bowflex Fitness Advisor Amy Dixon walked us through a workout routine that alternates a classic... Read More
Bowflex Six-Pack Interviews Joe Kessler

Bowflex Six-Pack Interviews: Joe Kessler

Posted On Mar 12, 2018 By Bowflex Insider Team

Joe Kessler is a Major League Strength & Conditioning Coach for the Cleveland Indians. We caught up with Joe to ask a sizzlin' six-pack of fitness questions. Did we get rock-solid answers? Absolutely! Check it out below: Joe, you've spent... Read More