
Parmesan Roasted Brussels Sprouts

Parmesan Roasted Brussels Sprouts

Posted On Jan 14, 2022 By Brandy Gales

As you may have seen from some of my previous recipes, you may be wondering how many times you can create a recipe with Brussels Sprouts. This would include such recipes as my... Read More
Plate of lamb Bolognese served on bucatini pasta.

New Year's Eve Lamb Bucatini

Posted On Dec 28, 2021 By Brandy Gales

I love the Holidays! I think any home chef loves the opportunity to test their hand at a fun new recipe. That is exactly what this dish is for me. This recipe is a spin on... Read More
White beans and kale in a serving dish.

Winter White Beans and Kale

Posted On Dec 16, 2021 By Brandy Gales

I love how the flavors change when we transition from Summer to Fall and Winter. Kale is the perfect cooked superfood. I love to partner Kale with robust flavors such as a hearty protein, or simply to serve by itself.... Read More
Chickpea noodle soup in a bowl.

Meatless Monday Special: Chickpea Noodle Soup

Posted On Dec 6, 2021 By Brandy Gales

Chickpeas are an amazing superfood in my opinion. I use them in so many salads and as a crunchy topping to some of my other meals such as my... Read More
Latke's on a plate.

Hanukkah Special: My Family’s Latke Recipe

Posted On Nov 29, 2021 By Brandy Gales

Each family has its own blend of traditions and holidays. My children and I celebrate Christmas and Hanukkah which is new for us. Thanks to my fiancés family traditions we were able to make our own, with this... Read More