
Tom Holland and the Bowflex Breakfast Club

The Top 5 Diet Mistakes

Posted On Sep 7, 2017 By Tom Holland

Low-fat. Low-carb. Paleo. Raw food. Plant-based. Intermittent fasting. Blood-type. Gluten-free. Eggs are bad for you. Eggs are good for you. You can eat eggs, but only the whites. Wait, maybe the yolks aren't as bad as we thought. Stop the... Read More
How To Make Healthy Choices When Eating Out

How To Make Healthy Choices When Eating Out

Posted On Aug 5, 2017 By Bowflex Insider Team

Between busy schedules and socializing with family and friends, cooking isn't always an option. However, studies have shown that restaurant dishes are linked to increased fat, sodium, cholesterol, saturated fat and caloric consumption. Although restaurant meals are typically less healthy... Read More
Super Herbs and Spices: The Super Ingredients You're Missing

Super Herbs and Spices: The Super Ingredients You're Missing

Posted On Jul 25, 2017 By Erin Kuh, MBA, RD

Cinnamon to stave off diabetes and high blood pressure? Curry to calm inflammation? Arnica to reduce pain and a whole long list of herbs and spices that I can't pronounce that could cure you of any ailment known to mankind... Read More
6 Ways to Conquer Cravings for Good

6 Ways to Conquer Cravings for Good

Posted On Jul 3, 2017 By Erin Kuh, MBA, RD

Dieting and trying to lose weight can be a losing battle, a losing battle to all-powerful cravings. Even with strong willpower and motivation, cravings can become overwhelming. While part of this is mental and influenced by eating habits that are... Read More
A Dietition's Experience With A Meal Delivery Service

A Dietition's Experience With A Meal Delivery Service

Posted On Jun 21, 2017 By Erin Kuh, MBA, RD

I seem to hear about a new meal delivery service every week so I decided I had to try one for myself to see what all the hype is about. I ordered two different meals for two weeks in a... Read More