
Feel in high heels during a competition

Bodybuilding Is For Women Too

Posted On Mar 21, 2019 By Lisa Traugott

If I told you I was a bodybuilder, what image would you have in your mind? Maybe you’d picture a huge dude like The Rock or Arnold Schwarzenegger? Or maybe those guys like Hanz und Franz from the... Read More
Cookbooks on a kitchen counter.

The Inspired Kitchen

Posted On Feb 22, 2019 By Amanda Wormann

The kitchen allows you to dream up dishes, adding a little of this and a little of that to arrive at something deliciously new. I find cooking much different than baking in that you really can’t mess things up... Read More
Two people in a gym performing a partner workout

Valentine's Day Partner Workout

Posted On Feb 13, 2019 By Bowflex Insider Team

In honor of Valentine’s Day, we created a partner workout that can be done with your significant other, best friend or even your child. Because why workout alone on a day celebrating love and affection when you can have a partner instead? Plus... Read More
A woman running on a snowy road.

Four Tips To Keep You Working Out All Winter

Posted On Jan 16, 2019 By Bowflex Insider Team

Many people find that when the temperature falls, so does their motivation and the frequency of their workouts. But it shouldn’t. Research has shown that working out through the cold winter months strengthens the immune system to help fight... Read More
Transformation Tuesday: Herbert

Transformation Tuesday: Meet Herbert – Grandfather of 9 and HVT Champion

Posted On Oct 16, 2018 By Bowflex Insider Team

In our #TransformationTuesday series, we chat with real Bowflex owners who have not only experienced major successes in their fitness journey, but have overcome major hurdles. This week we interviewed Herbert, a 60-year-old superhero... Read More