How To Deal With Setbacks
![Tom Holland and the Bowflex Breakfast Club](images/bowflex-breakfast-club.jpg)
As the saying goes, "Nothing in this world can be said to be certain, except death and taxes,"
And setbacks.
While not part of this famous quotation usually attributed to Benjamin Franklin, "setbacks" could fit into that saying quite easily. All three are inescapable facts of life.
So, when it comes to your fitness program, it's not a matter of "if" but when you will experience setbacks. An injury. A tough emotional time. More work. Family issues. Sometimes two or more of these as the same time. It can often be overwhelming.
While setbacks are a fact of life, they don't have to completely derail your exercise routine. Everyone experiences them, even the people who are successful at achieving their fitness goals. What do these people do when confronted by setbacks that keeps them on track? Watch this episode of the Bowflex Breakfast Club and find out!
Tune in to the Bowflex Breakfast Club LIVE on Facebook every Wednesday, 8AM PST.
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![om Holland and the Bowflex Breakfast Club](