
Walking Tips

Walking Tips

Posted On Apr 22, 2015 By Bowflex Insider Team

By guest author Dale Rule Since 2009, walking has been a part of my fitness routine and my life. Whether it's walking outside or inside, I work hard to keep up my routine. The Bowflex TreadClimber® has been a tremendous... Read More
Jill's Story: Even Gym Enthusiasts Hit the Fitness Rut

Jill's Story: Even Gym Enthusiasts Hit the Fitness Rut

Posted On Apr 18, 2015 By Bowflex Insider Team

Have you ever embarked on a new fitness or healthy eating regime to drop a few pounds? Chances are you started strong and it seemed like the pounds were melting off - until they weren't. A gym enthusiast and active... Read More
Amy's Story: How She Beat the Fitness Plateau

Amy's Story: How She Beat the Fitness Plateau

Posted On Mar 21, 2015 By Bowflex Insider Team

At first glance, many would have guessed that Amy, a medical device representative, might not have far to go in her fitness journey. But after working out consistently for two years, she still wasn't seeing the results that she wanted.... Read More
Bobbi's Story: From a Heart Monitor to Heart Healthy

Bobbi's Story: From a Heart Monitor to Heart Healthy

Posted On Feb 24, 2015 By Bowflex Insider Team

At 29, Bobbi knew it was time to make a change. She was uncomfortable with her weight and stopped doing the activities she loved - like riding her husband's motorcycle. Just a year ago, she started having health issues and... Read More
Heart Happy

Heart Happy

Posted On Feb 9, 2015 By Rachel Weingarten

When most people think of February, they think of pink hearts, chocolate and Valentine's Day, but February is also American Heart Month. It's sobering to realize that heart disease, also called the "silent killer," since it is generally symptomless, is... Read More