What a Dietitian Really Eats, Part 3: Snacks

Posted On Aug 3, 2016 By Erin Kuh, MBA, RD

What a Dietitian Really Eats, Part 3: Snacks

Because my routine varies so much, so too do my snacks. Some days I eat snacks and other days I don't; it all depends on my hunger level. You don't have to eat 3 meals and 2 snacks to keep your metabolism revved. This is a myth.

Whether or not you need a snack depends on you, your schedule, and whether or not you think you can make it to meal time without a snack. Check in with yourself before automatically going for a snack. Make sure you're truly hungry and not tired or bored. If you're tired and not hungry, the following snacks won't sound appealing. If you're seeking out a high sugar, high carb food, chances are you're probably tired, bored, or stressed. Try a walk or deep breathing instead of eating. Here are my staple snack foods:

  1. Apples and almonds

    This doesn't require any prep or refrigeration so it's easy to throw in my bag or keep in my car for an on-the-go snack.

  2. String cheese wrapped in turkey

    High protein and under 100 calories, if I'm ravenous in the mid-late afternoon, I nosh on this to keep hunger at bay.

  3. Beef jerky (or homemade elk jerky when available)

    Again, no prep or refrigeration required so it makes for a great portable snack.

  4. Protein bars

    I'll admit these aren't the ideal choice, but I'm certainly not perfect and your diet doesn't need to be either! On super busy days when I need something to hold me over, I choose a bar under 200 calories with 2–4g of fiber and 5–10g of protein.

  5. Popcorn

    Either homemade with a sprinkle of salt or a 100 calorie snack bag.

I stay away from crackers, pretzels, and other carbohydrate heavy "snack" type foods that lack protein and fiber, a filling combination to keep energy levels up.

Read part 2 of this series

What a Dietitian Really Eats, Part 2: Lunch