
Tom Holland and the Bowflex Breakfast Club

How To Stay In Shape While Traveling

Posted On Nov 2, 2017 By Tom Holland

One of the secrets to long-term success with your fitness program is being prepared for those things in life that can get you off-track and take you out of your normal routine. One of those that so many people have... Read More
Tom Holland and the Bowflex Breakfast Club

How To Stick To Your Fitness Plan (Especially When Others Don't Want You To)

Posted On Oct 26, 2017 By Tom Holland

Let's face it: Most of you have a difficult time sticking to your fitness programs. It's one of the main struggles you have with getting in shape. You always begin the same way: You get motivated, you set goals, you... Read More
Tom Holland and the Bowflex Breakfast Club

How To Deal With Setbacks

Posted On Oct 19, 2017 By Tom Holland

As the saying goes, "Nothing in this world can be said to be certain, except death and taxes," And setbacks. While not part of this famous quotation usually attributed to Benjamin Franklin, "setbacks" could fit into that saying quite easily.... Read More
Tom Holland and the Bowflex Breakfast Club

Five Ways to Make Cardio More Fun (And Effective!)

Posted On Oct 12, 2017 By Tom Holland

Even though you might think you hate doing cardiovascular exercise, you don't. Trust me. You just haven't found what you like doing yet. Engaging in cardio that you enjoy feels good. Really good. Why? One main reason is that it... Read More
Tom Holland and the Bowflex Breakfast Club

How To Work Around Injuries

Posted On Oct 5, 2017 By Tom Holland

It's a simple fact of life: It's not a matter of if, but when you will suffer an injury. Some are from sports, some are accidents that happen during our regular activities of daily living, and others are chronic injuries... Read More