
Tom Holland and the Bowflex Breakfast Club

The Top 7 Nutritional Tips

Posted On Sep 14, 2017 By Tom Holland

You've probably heard it before: Losing weight is 80% diet and 20% exercise. Well, I've never seen any studies that support that claim, but simple math tells us it's probably pretty accurate. The line I came up with many years... Read More
Tom Holland and the Bowflex Breakfast Club

The Top 5 Diet Mistakes

Posted On Sep 7, 2017 By Tom Holland

Low-fat. Low-carb. Paleo. Raw food. Plant-based. Intermittent fasting. Blood-type. Gluten-free. Eggs are bad for you. Eggs are good for you. You can eat eggs, but only the whites. Wait, maybe the yolks aren't as bad as we thought. Stop the... Read More
Tom Holland and the Bowflex Breakfast Club

The Best Cardio For Weight Loss

Posted On Aug 31, 2017 By Tom Holland

If there’s one question people ask me over and over when it comes to getting in shape it’s, “What is the best…?” This goes for everything from, “What is the best exercise to sculpt your abs,” to “What is the... Read More
Tom Holland and the Bowflex Breakfast Club

The Biggest Myth About Exercise

Posted On Aug 24, 2017 By Bowflex Insider Team

On a recent Bowflex Breakfast Club Facebook Live broadcast, Fitness Advisor Tom Holland spent some time discussing the topic of "exercise myths." As the comments rolled in, it became quite clear that one myth stood above all others; a myth... Read More
Tom Holland and the Bowflex Breakfast Club

Seven Biggest Gym Pet Peeves

Posted On Aug 17, 2017 By Tom Holland

If the number one reason people give for not going to the gym is lack of time, a close second has to be the weird, wacky world of the gym itself. When we discussed this very topic on a recent... Read More