
The 20-Minute Dumbbell Workout

The 20-Minute Dumbbell Workout

Posted On Mar 10, 2015 By Joe Vennare

Here's a question for you: How much time does it take to get fit? For the most part, the answer to that will depend on who you ask. Different people have different fitness goals that require them to devote more... Read More
The Ultimate Dumbbell Arm Workout

The Ultimate Dumbbell Arm Workout

Posted On Mar 5, 2015 By Tom Holland

When it comes to getting great-looking arms, all you truly need are a pair of dumbbells and a few simple exercises. That's it. I have done these exact moves since I began working out as a teenager, and will continue... Read More
A Strong Back Equals a Strong Core

A Strong Back Equals a Strong Core

Posted On Mar 3, 2015 By Joel Harper

Most people that I know and see at the gym focus on getting that six-pack, but they sometimes completely forget to strengthen their back as well to improve their overall core strength. That is why I designed this short, equipment-free... Read More
Ten Push-ups to Get You Ripped

Fit Tip Thursday: Ten Push-ups to Get You Ripped

Posted On Jan 29, 2015 By Tom Holland

The push-up is extremely versatile and can be modified in an almost infinite number of ways. Young or old, beginner or advanced exerciser, we can all use the push-up to challenge ourselves at our specific fitness levels. Here are ten... Read More
Push Ups 101

Push-Ups 101

Posted On Dec 17, 2014 By Tim Arndt, Resistance Training Specialist

Remember in gym class when your PE teacher would tell you to drop and give him 20? I remember it all too well, and trust me, I did plenty of them. I also remember there were a lot of students... Read More