
Benefits of Resistance Training

Benefits of Resistance Training

Posted On Nov 7, 2017 By Tom Holland

It matters not your age, sex or fitness level – Everyone can and should engage in some form of resistance training. Resistance training (also known as strength training) can include strength machines, free weights and body weight movements. You can... Read More
Top 5 Reasons to Exercise at Home

Top 5 Reasons to Exercise at Home

Posted On Sep 28, 2017 By Tom Holland

I have spent the better part of my life in the fitness clubs: As a gym member, a personal trainer, a group fitness instructor, and, yes, I even owned an 11,000 square foot full-service gym for a few years. Now?... Read More
Is Yoga a Form of Strength Training?

Is Yoga a Form of Strength Training?

Posted On Sep 6, 2017 By Bowflex Insider Team

Most fitness people can be divided into one of three major categories: those who love strength training, people who prefer cardio… and yoga people. Each offers a slew of benefits and, logically, a combination would work best to create a... Read More
Is Yoga Good For Strength Training?

Eat Better As a Family

Posted On Aug 30, 2017 By Rachel Weingarten

September is back to school season, which means that between shuttling the kids back and forth to classes and practice and sports and everything else it can be tough to find a way for the family to come together and... Read More
Back To School Bodyweight Workout

Back To School Bodyweight Workout

Posted On Aug 29, 2017 By Tom Holland

If you're like me, you spent most of your active time outdoors the past few months. Biking, running, hiking, tennis, stand-up paddle boarding, you name it – There is nothing better than taking your workouts outside and enjoying all that... Read More