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Articles Found (101)

  • The Simple Math of Weight Loss

    Posted On Mar 10, 2015 By Tom Holland

    The Simple Math of Weight Loss It never ceases to amaze me how few people know the simple math behind weight loss. First and foremost, how much of a deficit in calories is required to lose one pound. I often ask this question when I am Read More
  • Is Long-Term Weight Loss Impossible?

    Posted On May 22, 2016 By Erin Kuh, MBA, RD

    Is Long-Term Weight Loss Impossible? Is long term weight loss impossible? Yes, according to a research study following contestants of Season 8 of "The Biggest Loser" and the headlines reporting the findings. I beg to differ though, based on my experience over the past two Read More
  • Is Slow or Fast Weight Loss Better for You?

    Posted On Apr 26, 2016 By Erin Kuh, MBA, RD

    Is Slow or Fast Weight Loss Better for You? 1-2 lbs per week - That's the rate of weight loss recommended by dietitians, doctors, and other health professionals for safe and sustainable results. For someone wanting to drop 50 lbs or more, this could mean waiting an entire year Read More
  • What Is the Best Supplement For Weight Loss?

    Posted On Mar 21, 2018 By Tom Holland

    What Is the Best Supplement For Weight Loss? Since the beginning of time it seems, people have been searching for the "magic pill" for losing weight. Weight-loss supplements are a billion-dollar industry with no signs of slowing down. We are constantly bombarded with slick advertisements for yet another Read More
  • The Simplest Way to Start Losing Weight

    Posted On Sep 23, 2015 By Tom Holland

    The Simplest Way to Start Losing Weight When it comes down to it, true weight-loss is simply all about energy: energy consumed in the form of food and energy expended in the form of daily activity and exercise. The weight-loss industry exists and thrives by making this Read More
  • Losing Weight after Pregnancy: What to Expect

    Posted On Oct 18, 2015 By Erin Kuh, MBA, RD

    Losing Weight after Pregnancy: What to Expect after Expecting Having a baby is one of the most incredible and challenging experiences in the world. There's an overwhelming amount of information on every detail of pregnancy to child growth and development to parenting approaches. But what about "you" after pregnancy? Read More