Portion Control Made Easy

Posted On Jan 12, 2015 By Erin Kuh, MBA, RD

Portion Control Made Easy

If you don't want to measure and weigh every last morsel of food, here are a few tricks to keep portions in check:

  • Only eat what can fit in your two hands cupped together at one sitting
  • Use smaller plates, bowls, and glasses, which will automatically reduce portions
  • Fill half of your plate with vegetables at lunch and dinner
  • Always order the smallest possible size or order a la carte when eating out
  • Use the white space rule: Allow space in between each type of food on your plate and don't allow different foods to touch. This works especially well at buffets, potlucks, and holidays!
  • Cut higher calorie foods in half and share with someone, save the rest for later, or throw out if you're tempted to devour it all in one sitting.