
Billy's Story: Taking Control of My Own Health

Billy's Story: Taking Control of My Own Health

Posted On Sep 1, 2015 By Bowflex Insider Team

There are plenty of reasons to commit to a workout routine, whether it's the desire to lose a few pounds or feel better about the clothes you wear. But for Billy Brennan, 54, jumping into fitness meant making a commitment... Read More
Going Outside Your Comfort Zone: Need a Little Push?

Going Outside Your Comfort Zone: Need a Little Push?

Posted On Aug 31, 2015 By Joel Harper

Change might make you a bit uncomfortable, but being pushed out of your comfort zone a little bit is a good thing because it encourages you to grow. In fact, scientists like to call this "optimal anxiety" or "productive discomfort"... Read More
Shelly's Story: Road Bumps Couldn't Stop Her

Shelly's Story: Road Bumps Couldn't Stop Her

Posted On Aug 24, 2015 By Bowflex Insider Team

As a single mother of two, Shelly had always been active, but just didn't seem to have the time anymore to exercise. She was determined to lose weight and was having little success, until she stumbled upon the Bowflex TreadClimber.... Read More
Embrace the Excuse or Choose the Challenge

Embrace the Excuse or Choose the Challenge

Posted On Jun 22, 2015 By Tom Holland

I was running on the treadmill recently when I slipped off during a fast interval. One leg became wedged behind the belt and it tore up the front of my sockless ankle pretty good before I could regain my balance... Read More
Bill's Story: Overcoming the Setbacks

Bill's Story: Overcoming the Setbacks

Posted On May 20, 2015 By Bowflex Insider Team

As a finance professional with two children, Bill has everything but time. He was also raised in a family that never put an emphasis on exercise, so he didn't know where to start. At 45, he found himself stuck. The... Read More