Brenda's Story: Making a Permanent Commitment to Community and Fitness

Posted On Jan 27, 2016 By Bowflex Insider Team

Brenda's Story: Making a Permanent Commitment to Community and Fitness

What's the one thing we tend to easily forget about in our personal fitness journeys? The adventure doesn't have to be solo. For Brenda Kennedy of Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Labrador, Canada finding and inspiring her community through her own weight loss was where it all started. Throughout her life, Brenda's weight had yo-yoed. But in 2013, when her father passed away, it became even more of a challenge. She turned to food as a coping mechanism - resulting in weight gain.

Unhappy and wanting a change, Brenda knew it was time to do something about it, but after several attempts, nothing seemed to work. As a former runner, leftover joint pain made it difficult to find a workout that didn't hurt. In addition, living in a place where winter lasts for seven months, she found it hard to find a fitness routine she could do inside to escape the cold. Then she had the good fortune of learning about the Bowflex® TreadClimber®.

"I purchased a TreadClimber and committed to using it regularly. Weight started to fall off and stay off. I lost 42 pounds in 12 months. The best thing about using my TreadClimber is that I don't have any joint pain. There's no running. All I have to do is walk for 30 minutes a day, three days a week. It's addictive."

Brenda now uses fitness as a way to practice what she preaches. As a psychiatric nurse, she encourages patients to get out and exercise every day, knowing that exercise plays a big part in a person's mental health.

"I want to inspire people to be the best they can be - to focus on themselves and love themselves," Brenda admits. "I always tell people that if they want to come over and try my TreadClimber, they're welcome to do so."

Brenda's Tattoo

Brenda celebrated her weight loss
with a Bowflex tattoo!

What keeps Brenda motivated? Her family and new-found confidence.

"I love who I am, and loving who you are motivates you to do a lot of things," Brenda added. "I'm happier, and my family can feel it - they want to follow in my footsteps. My kids see me living healthy, and they want to do the same thing."

Brenda credits her success to her own personal trainer - her husband. Whether it's working out with her or showing her how to do certain exercises, his support keeps her going.

To mark her success, Brenda even got a Bowflex tattoo! She continues to use her TreadClimber, as well as free weights, to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle.