The Memorial Day Family Circuit Workout
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Memorial Day: Officially the last Monday in May, it is a time when we reflect and remember the members of the military who sacrificed their lives for our country. Memorial Day weekend is also an unofficial kick-off for summer, when family and friends come together to spend some quality time with one another.
We honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. We give thanks for all of our blessings, including our loved ones as well as our health.
It is human nature to take things for granted, only truly appreciating something once it has been taken away. This is especially true with our health. It takes sickness or injury before most people realize how incredibly fortunate they are to be able to exercise, to move, to play.
Take time this Memorial Day Weekend to be thankful for the sacrifices others have made. Enjoy your family and cherish your health. One great way to do both is to get outside and get in a fun workout together with the entire family – Here is a 10-minute session you can do right in your own backyard:
2 Minute Warm Up- 1 minute jogging in place
- 1 minute jumping jacks
- Squats
- Shadow Boxing
- Plank
- Skaters
- Skaters
- Push-Ups
- Alternating Side Kicks
- Jogging in place
Have a family member who can't participate because of injury, age or some other reason? Make him/her the timer and coach, calling out the exercises and the end of each 30 second interval!