Fall Into New Workouts

Posted On Oct 18, 2019 By Bowflex Insider Team

A fit man running outside on fallen leaves with a dog.

If you are like us, summer felt like it went by fast, leaving us little time to think about fall and the cooler weather on the horizon. With winter approaching, take advantage of the not too hot, yet not too cold temps and enjoy your time outside. Soon you will be trapped inside with outdoor workouts seeming like a fond memory. Further, it is an opportunity to re-energize your workouts, stay motivated and gain momentum going into the busy holiday season.

Here’s how to take advantage of the cool fall weather by taking your workouts outside:

Try Something New

As school starts, it serves as a reminder of proactively striving for growth and discovery. With this in mind, push out of your comfort zone. Take up a new workout class, try karate or go take ballet lessons. Whatever keeps making you say, “I want to try that”—just go and do it because there is no better time than now.

Take a Hike

In the summer, hiking trails are flooded by tourists trying to squeeze in all their outdoor activities. But when September hits, the kids go back to school and the temperature drops. The trails are less inhabited, and there are less pesky bugs. Take a stroll on your favorite trails and see them in a new light before the temps dip too low.

Hit the Road

Early fall is when most retailers begin to clear out their summer inventory and mark down bicycle prices to open up room for the newer models. As we mentioned, now is the time to try something new, so why not biking? The weather is great and the price is right, so try biking to work, school or even the store.

Get Out the Door

Running in the heat can be dangerous for your health, so when fall hits it is the perfect opportunity to take advantage of the lower temperatures and run outdoors. Fall is the best time to run or walk outside because it is the most comfortable temperature-wise. So layer up appropriately and bask in the ever-changing colors and scenery while enjoying the fresh air on your run.

Stay Close to Home

While it may be tempting to stay inside and workout, once winter comes that is all you will be able to do. With this in mind, take your workout outside from the comfort of your home. If you keep your gym in the garage, open up the garage door and let the fresh air roll in while burning calories on your Bowflex Total. Want to do a strength training workout? Take your Bowflex SelectTech 840 kettlebell workout to the backyard to enjoy the foliage.