Fall Body Care: Don't Forget as you Bundle Up

Posted On Nov 11, 2015 By Rachel Weingarten

Fall Body Care: Don't Forget as you Bundle Up

You're vigilant about applying sunscreen during the summer and covering up exposed skin during outdoor fun, but what about later in the year? Chances are that being all covered up means that you're forgetting to take care of the bits that won't make another appearance until summer. So before you make like a bear and go into deepest hibernation, take some time to:

  • Update your skincare routine

    If you've been using the same moisturizers and cleansers for years, take a good look in the mirror. Has your skin changed? Do you have more fine lines or oily spots? Before winter sets in is a good time to try to tackle past sun damage and repair your skin.

  • Pay attention to the forgotten parts

    Whether or not you're the type to go to a spa, sometimes doing something as simple as massaging your scalp or keyboard exhausted hands can help not only with relaxing, but also helping ease sore spots. Next time you apply conditioner, massage your scalp from roots to tips and try to give yourself an abbreviated hand massage with a good hand cream, paying attention to cuticles.

  • Stop walking around barefoot in the house

    As someone with several past broken toes, I can attest to the fact that it's not always the best idea to walk around barefoot. Treat yourself to a cozy pair of slippers or better yet, break out your exercise sandals to wear around the house.

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