Enjoying the Holidays at Home

Posted On Dec 14, 2020 By Bowflex Insider Team

A family at home making cookies

While you can’t necessarily go caroling or ice skating this holiday season, there are fun ways to celebrate the holidays from home. It’s in times like this where new traditions and lasting memories are made. However, it does require time and planning.

First and foremost, direct your energy to the things you can control. You have the power to create a meaningful, festive holiday season, even if it’s just for yourself. Consider what is your favorite thing about the holiday season? Is it cooking, eating, decorating, gifting, creating, etc.? Whatever it may be, find ways to do it, safely. Here are a few ideas for making the holidays happen and enjoying them home:

Missing Family?

As it is for most, family and friends are a huge part of the holiday season. However, given the circumstances, maybe not all of us can be together right now. For now, technology and video calls are one of the best options. Schedule a video call with family and make a fun, festive theme – while it is virtual, it allows us to feel like we are connected. Remind yourself the current situation is temporary.

Love Eating and Cooking?

The holidays are filled with good food – that’s a given. But for some, this season might be spent without home cooking given there won’t be dinner parties. See this as an opportunity to learn your family’s traditional recipes, pick up a new hobby, or host your own celebration. The beauty of food is it can take us back to past memories while creating new ones.

Looking for the Perfect Gift?

If you are a lover of finding the perfect gift, but can’t go to the mall – try making your own gifts. Whip out the glue gun and try making a memorable scrapbook, knitting a warm scarf or creating a handwritten letter – whatever inspires you. Hand-made gifts may require a bit of extra effort but that effort doesn’t go unnoticed by the receiver.

Is Decorating Your Pride & Joy?

While you may not be able to do your annual Christmas party with friends and family, that does not mean you shouldn’t decorate. Make your home festive! Put up the lights, hang up the stockings, light the holiday candles – do it for yourself. Whatever it takes to ignite the holiday spirit!

Above All, Turn Social Media Off.

The fear of missing out (FOMO) will be hard to manage this season. Social media often paints an inaccurate portrait of reality, which will hold especially true during the holiday season. While scrolling endlessly through social media may help you pass the time – it is not always mentally or emotionally beneficial. Do yourself a favor, put the phone away and live in the moment.