Articles Found (125)
The Three-Minute Stretch Routine for After Your Cardio Workout
We are continually bombarded with contradictory information when it comes to exercise. This is especially true when it comes to the concept of stretching: What kind we should do, how much we should do, when we should do it, whether Read more
The 15-Minute TreadClimber Interval Training Workout
Interval training is all the rage and for good reason — It’s one of the most efficient ways to get in a great workout in a short amount of time. And while longer steady-state cardio will always have an important Read more
The 30 Days of Walking Workout Challenge
Are you ready to get up and get walking? Whether you own a Bowflex TreadClimber cardio machine, or are just walking around your workplace or neighborhood, the 30 Days of Walking Workout Challenge can be easily incorporated into your everyday Read more
The Five-Minute HIIT Like a Pro Workout
HIIT is an acronym for High Intensity Interval Training. It's all the rage and for a very good reason: It involves shorter workouts with greater results for the time spent than your traditional steady-state cardio. In a HIIT workout you Read more
What is the 12-3-30 Workout?
Have you heard about the 12-3-30 workout? It’s super easy and making the rounds on TikTok. Originally created by Lauren Giraldo, you set a treadmill to incline 12, speed 3 and walk for 30 minutes. Read more
How to Lose Belly Fat?
Oh, I know how you wish that you could just spot-reduce your abs! But, that's a myth. Spot reducing doesn't exist. You can't just choose a spot for fat to come off. Don't let anyone fool you into anything different. Read more
TreadClimber 101 Video
To get started, learn the basics about a TreadClimber cardio machine. Read more
3 Plateau Busters
Change up your exercise routine Our bodies are efficient machines. The same routine that worked for the first few months might not yield the same results for the long haul. Changing your workout doesn't have to be drastic. Try adding Read more
3 Ways to Keep It Off
These are three tried and true habits of people who lose weight and keep it off long-term. And that's the goal here, right?! It's actually the most difficult part of losing weight - the maintaining part. Food log You don't Read more
The 6 Benefits of Treadmill Training
By guest author, Matt Rasmussen of Run Oregon I swore I would never get a treadmill. I mean, I hail from Oregon. It's the land of a million running routes — no matter what corner of the state you happen Read more
HIIT Workouts for the Holidays with the Bowflex Max Total 16
With holiday preparations in full swing, most people plan to spend their time with family — partaking in celebrations and eating festive goodies, but often also losing sight of what they need for themselves during Read more
HIIT Stationary Bike Workout
Looking for a healthy cardiovascular workout but don’t have a lot of time? This is a quick, thirty-minute HIIT (high intensity interval training) stationary bike workout based on the principles of Tabata. Read more