
The 14 Minute Bowflex Max Workout

The 14 Minute Bowflex Max Workout

Posted On Aug 25, 2016 By Tom Holland

We at Bowflex know it’s not easy for many of you to find a full hour to devote to exercise, or even thirty minutes for that matter. You’re busy. We understand. That’s one of the reasons we designed the Bowflex... Read More
A person working out on a treadmill. The 6 Benefits of Treadmill Training

The 6 Benefits of Treadmill Training

Posted On Aug 20, 2016 By Bowflex Insider Team

By guest author, Matt Rasmussen of Run Oregon I swore I would never get a treadmill. I mean, I hail from Oregon. It's the land of a million running routes — no matter what corner of the state you happen... Read More
The 15-Minute TreadClimber Interval Workout

The 15-Minute TreadClimber Interval Training Workout

Posted On Aug 11, 2016 By Tom Holland

Interval training is all the rage and for good reason — It’s one of the most efficient ways to get in a great workout in a short amount of time. And while longer steady-state cardio will always have an important... Read More
How to Work Up to 30 Minutes on Your Bowflex TreadClimber

How to Work Up to 30 Minutes on Your Bowflex TreadClimber

Posted On Jul 28, 2016 By Tom Holland

You've purchased your Bowflex TreadClimber and you get on it for the first time thinking, “It’s just walking, I’ve got this.” Only to find out that you couldn’t do the full 30 minutes. Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Repeat after... Read More
Michael's Story: Learning to Make Exercise a Priority

Michael's Story: Learning to Make Exercise a Priority

Posted On Jul 26, 2016 By Bowflex Insider Team

Throughout his life, Michael Brittain always had a love for food. But after stepping on the scale at his heaviest of 275 pounds, the Austin, Texas, native knew he needed to change. Looking for a solution, Michael dusted off the... Read More