Get Black Friday Ready Workout

Posted On Nov 12, 2019 By Bowflex Insider Team

Two people carrying shopping bags

Are you ready to shop until you drop? Black Friday, the biggest shopping day of the year is here! In your quest to get the best deals, will you be ready to take on the day? After eating way too much Thanksgiving dinner the night before, being ready for the rush might seem unattainable.

To be on you’re A-game this year, you need to get prepared for the mentally draining and physically demanding day. Try this Black Friday workout plan to help you prepare to hunt for the best deals.

Find Your Inner Peace: First and foremost, you need to reset yourself and warmup before the craziness begins. You can do this by stretching, meditating or going to an early morning yoga class. While doing this, recite what your main goals are for the day whether that be getting a new blender or the set of dumbbells you’ve been eyeing. This will help get you in the right mindset for the big day.

Run for Your Life: You have been patiently waiting outside for the doors to open and here comes the moment you’ve been waiting for – are you ready? Prepare yourself for the cardio that will inevitably ensue while running to get that last TV on sale. Hit your Bowflex BXT216 treadmill to perform some sprints and build your endurance before the biggest shopping day of the year. Start by walking for one minute, then sprint at your fastest pace for one minute and repeat this five times.

Reach for the Stars: Why are the best things always placed on the top shelf and out of reach? Don’t let your height stop you from getting what you want! Grab a set of Bowflex SelectTech 552 dumbbells and strengthen your calves by doing various calf raises. Check out this quick calf workout to help you reach the stars or at least the top shelf by putting your calves to work and standing on your tiptoes.

Lift Those Bags: You don’t have time to be weighed down. Your arms need to be capable of holding all of your Black Friday shopping bags (which is going to be a lot). The best way to build your strength and prepare your arms for the heavy lifting is by doing deadlifts with a barbell or dumbbells. Not sure how to do a deadlift? Try this workout for beginners.

A woman carrying shopping bags

Happy Dance: Think of your shopping goals and how it will feel once you reach them – this feeling can only be accompanied by a happy dance. Channel your happy dance into a workout by doing a skater exercise. Put on some fun music and jump from side to side while strengthening your legs and pumping your arms. What’s that you feel? The burn of happiness.