Stronger Every Day: Austin Fitness Solutions
After the group circuit workout, we walked back to the rental house to introduce our influencer team to some of Bowflex’s newest product offerings including the Bowflex® Max Total™ machine, the Bowflex® SelectTech® 840 Kettlebell, and Bowflex JRNY™, our personalized coaching platform. The influencer team had the opportunity to test-drive our products and get a feel for how Bowflex can help reach individuals in Austin who are looking to access a personalized approach to fitness from the comfort of their own homes.
As a group, we discussed a variety of fitness solutions and the ways in which at-home fitness machines can help Austin become the fittest city in America. As a group, we brainstormed some of the biggest obstacles individuals face when it comes to achieving long-term success with their fitness journeys.
These obstacles were: Time, Guidance, and Variety.
We focused a lot of attention on how both the Max Total machine and the SelectTech Kettlebell help solve the obstacle of Time. Many individuals and families in the city of Austin spend their time working, preparing meals for the kids, and tackling a variety of daily chores and errands that simply take a lot of time. The beauty of the Max Total machine and the SelectTech Kettlebell is that both products provide quick, total-body workouts that deliver results in a very short window. These machines allow you to get in and get it done without disrupting the remainder of your busy day. Best of all, your entire workout can be achieved without having to leave your house or apartment space.
Guidance was another topic that came up, particularly when it comes to creating a healthy path toward long-term success. There seem to be few solutions in the market that help individuals create consistency in their fitness routine. There’s plenty of short-term programming out there (fitness classes, 30-day kick-starter workouts) but what happens once those routines have run their course? The magical thing about the Max Total machine is that it helps you stick with your program for the indefinite future. How? By creating unique workouts each and every day that are based on your own abilities. No matter your starting point, Max removes the workout-planning guesswork and is able to deliver new, custom workouts, making it easier than ever to stay consistent with a healthy, fit lifestyle.
Lastly, we tend to require a bit more Variety in our workouts. It can be easy to burn out on doing the same routine over and over again. The easiest way to experience variety? Is by creating an immersive fitness experience. Need to catch up on your favorite streaming series, but also need to get your workout in? The Max Total machine is equipped with a built-in touch screen that allows you to access your Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and Hulu accounts. You can even follow along with your daily, individualized workout programming while streaming shows – all from the same screen. For those that are looking for motivation or coaching, you can access trainer-led workout videos to give you the extra push when you need it most.
This was also an elemental talking point when it came to the SelectTech 840 Kettlebell. The 840 comes with access to 24 trainer-led exercises that teach foundational kettlebell exercises and best practices. By giving our users the gift of variety and the educational tools they need, we can help them stick with their fitness journey for the long-term and help Austin win the title as the fittest city in America.
Stay tuned for the final portion of our Austin tour including a delicious tostada recipe from Gather + Forge that you don’t want to miss!