7 Exercise Mistakes Everyone Makes

Posted On Jun 2, 2014 By Joe Vennare

exercise mistakes

When we set out to get fit, there is a series of roadblocks standing in our way. The bad news is that these barriers can prevent us from achieving our fitness goals. The good news? These barriers are nothing new. Everyone who has tried to get fit has had to hop over the same hurdles. Which means we can make note of and learn from their mistakes without having to repeat the painful process of trying and failing.

With that in mind, here's a list of 7 mistakes every exerciser makes. Avoiding these missteps will put you on the fast track to achieving your health and fitness goals.

  1. Too much, too soon. It's OK to be excited about exercising more. Making it a part of your life. Getting fit once and for all. But, don't let all the excitement get in the way of logic. If you're new to exercise, two-hour sweat sessions are a bad idea. So are two workouts a day. Instead of doing too much too soon, try starting small and increasing your efforts over time. Otherwise, you risk falling off the fitness wagon. Getting back on is twice as difficult.
  2. Broken promises. Talk is cheap. Execution is everything. Instead of talking about when you'll start exercising, or promising yourself today will be the day, just get to the gym already. Stop talking, start doing. Don't tell us, show us. It's the only way to transition from broken promises to building an exercise habit and body you can be proud of.
  3. A vicious cycle. You love exercise, until you hate it. Work out every day, until you don't. It's an on-again, off-again relationship that never seems to end. Exercise for a month. Give up. Ditch the gym and diet for three months. Feel bad about yourself. Start back at square one. It's a vicious cycle that needs to be broken. Do this – commit to being healthy. Prioritize consistency above all else. Show up and keep coming back. Pretty soon, the act of showing up will stick. We call those habits.
  4. The Lone Ranger. You want to do everything all by yourself. Won't ask questions or seek help. You'll figure this food and fitness thing out. Except it's more difficult than you thought. You've got it all wrong – workout routine, exercise form, eating habits. Instead of going it alone, try talking to a friend or fitness professional. Ask for help when you start. Continue to seek it out as you go. It's the only way to identify weaknesses and turn them into strengths.
  5. Cutting corners. Anything worth having takes work. That statement holds true in the gym. There are no shortcuts to gaining muscle or losing fat. So if you're looking for a shortcut, you can stop right now. It's a waste of time. All of the supplements, shakes and overnight transformations that seem too good to be true really are. Forget about cutting corners. Think about doing the work.
  6. Commitment issues. For some, exercise isn't the issue. They go to the gym. Workout regularly. But, never seem to make any progress. How could that be? It's simple really. They have commitment issues. They can't stick to any workout routine for more than a few weeks. They jump from a muscle gaining workout to an endurance program to a bench press routine every other week. Sorry, it doesn't work like that. Your best bet is to create an exercise program based on your goals, schedule and access to equipment. Put in the work. Do it consistently for at least 6-8 weeks. Track your progress. At the end of that time, access the results. Re-evaluate your goals. Create a new program. Repeat the process.
  7. All work, no play. Exercise is supposed to be fun. It's a concept that's foreign to a lot of people. Instead of trying to fit your life into a workout program, try creating an exercise routine that fits into your life. Ultimately you should find some forms of fitness that you enjoy. Things that are actually fun. Otherwise, you'll find every reason in the world not to exercise.